3 Monkeys Communications, Action for Children, Agile Media, Apps For Good, Airbnb, ARK Schools, Attic Media, August Media, Barton Willmore, Baxter and Bailey, BBC, Bloomsbury Publishing, Bompas and Parr, Brand Communications UK, Brickworks London, BusbyWebb, CABE, Cambridge University, CDT Design, Chivas, The Communications Store, Condé Nast, Diageo, EDF (Electricité de France), ENO Baylis, Fleet Street Communications, The Gin Guild, Glamour, The Guardian, Harvey Nichols, House and Garden, I-AM, Imagist, Ink Publishing, Intercontinental Hotels, John Brown Publishing, Johnson Banks, Le Monde, London School of Pharmacy, LSO, Microsoft, Nokia, Odd Firm of Sin, Penguin Books, Royal Academy of Arts, Royal College of Art, Seven Publishing, Shrewsbury House Trust, Small Back Room, Son Records, Specialist Schools Trust, Spitalfields Festival, Stanton Williams, The Observer, The Telegraph, The TES, TBA plc, Time Out, True North, UKADIA, University of the Arts London